

“Today I wanted to expand on the importance of Navaratri, and significance of Navaratri. Devi, the ultimate pure feminine consciousness — of course, consciousness is beyond masculine and feminine — ultimate pure expression of consciousness.

Devi Nithyanandeshwari

These nine days, the special door opens for all of us to experience that consciousness, the special possibility opens, the consciousness is available for us to experience, explore, to awaken the “dhi”, “buddhi”, in all of us. “Dhi” means in Sanskrit, “awakened intelligence”. Intelligence which is functioning from the space of Completion, intelligence which is established in the space of Advaitha Sathya is called “dhi”. “Dheekshanya”, “dhi”, that word means “intelligence which is functioning from the space of Advaitha”, “intelligence which is awakened from the space of Advaitha”. “Ellai Illor Shuddha Swayamprakaasha Jnaana Paraveli” — the Tamil word which I expressed now, this is the definition the Atma Purana, the four Upanishadic Tamil translation and commentary which uses, this is the word I myself studied at the young age to define Parashakthi. That is why spontaneously I uttered that word.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam (JGM) His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam

Boundaryless experientially possible consciousness, it is available for all of us, especially on these Navaratri days. All you need to do in these Navaratri days to experience that consciousness is, the pain of your tapas, the incompletions and impossibilities you carry towards your tapas should be completed. Listen! All of us, all of you will be carrying that incompletion — ‘I tried, but failed. I did this tapas, but failed.’ ‘I was thinking to do this, but I didn’t.’ ‘I think it seems a little impossible for me.’ Navaratri is the time to complete with that. All the incompletions related to your tapas, all the incompletions related to your incompletions need to be completed. Listen! All the incompletions related to your incompletions need to be completed. Navaratri is the time for that. All these impossibilities need to be completed. Understand, incompletions you have about your incompletions need to be completed. Navaratri is the time for that. Navaratri is the space for that. Navaratri is the energy for that. Navaratri is the time where you can complete with all your incompletions, especially the incompletions about the incompletions. It is a beautiful opportunity to complete with all the incompletions about the incompletions. Incompletions about the incompletions! More than your incompletions, your beliefs about your incompletions, your incompletions about your incompletions are the biggest obstacles. More than the fear, your fear about the fear! More than the incompletions, your incompletions about your incompletions, that keeps you incomplete. It is time you all complete that.

One more thing: If you want Mahadeva’s grace you have to complete all your incompletions. But if you want Devi’s grace, even if you TRY to complete with your incompletions, or even if you ACT as if you are trying to complete your incompletions, she will come down and grace you! Because, Mahadeva will leave what he has to give you, and you have to stretch, stretch, stretch and pick up and put it in your mouth. Devi is not like that. Even if you just stretch your hand and do some act like this here and there, immediately she will come down and ask, ‘Hey, come on! What do you want?’ And she is available so powerfully on this Navaratri, especially till the day-after-tomorrow evening. Yesterday evening, by Sapthami, the energy goes up; and Ashtami, Navami, Dashami, Dashami evening only, till this time, these three days, so powerfully available. Decide to complete with all your incompletions about your incompletions, pains related to your tapas, pains related to your spiritual practices, pains related to your attempts and failures, trial and error methods. If you tried something and failed, you will carry incompletion about it. If you planned and did not achieve, you may carry certain incompletions about it. If you plan and fail and get caught in the “impossible” pattern, it is time for you to complete with it.

See, even believing impossibility is one more pattern. Complete with that. Complete with it.”

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam (JGM) His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam



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